Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food
Normpati Pet Food
  • +90 (850) 562 48 48

Quality Control/R&D

As Normpati family, we show ultimate attention to the quality of all the pet food we produce and we comprehensively check whether they meet our quality standards. The compatibility of the analysis results of the incoming raw materials with the intended values and the quality control of the pet foods we produce are conducted by our acknowledged team in our laboratory, which has high technology devices. Checking every process from the product entering our factory to the final product supplied to the market in-depth is a part of our food safety management system, which is approved in accordance with international standards.

The pet foods we produce are made of raw materials with the highest quality and nutrient digestibility and are formulated per the nutritional needs of our furry friends. Our rations with more than one hundred special ingredients have been formulated in accordance with FEDIAF guidelines. These special ingredient pet foods, produced for our friends, are verified by R&D studies and are updated based on the ever-evolving needs.