Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food

Normpati Pet Food
Normpati Pet Food
  • +90 (850) 562 48 48

What Should We Do If Our Adult Dog Has Diarrhea?

What Should We Do If Our Adult Dog Has Diarrhea?

Diarrhea in adult dogs is usually harmless and easily treatable. However, diarrhea may also be caused by a serious illness. Diarrhea in adult dogs can be bothersome, but fortunately it is generally harmless. However, the cause of the digestive disorder must be found. Causes of diarrhea...CAUSES OF D...

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What Should We Do If Our Puppy Has Diarrhea?

What Should We Do If Our Puppy Has Diarrhea?

Most of the time, it would be enough to wait for a day, adjust the puppy's diet first, and then feed the puppy dry food. If diarrhea persists for long, you must take the puppy to a vet.IS IT NORMAL FOR PUPPIES TO HAVE DIARRHEA?Don't worry, diarrhea is common in puppies. Almost every puppy will exper...

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Dog Nail Care

Dog Nail Care

Dogs' nails grow constantly. Therefore, they must be trimmed at regular intervals.WHY DO NAILS NEED TO BE CLIPPED?Some dog owners are lucky and hardly ever have to clip their dogs' nails. Others will have to use dog nail clippers about every three weeks. Because if they are not clipped, you'll hear ...

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Ticks on Dogs

Ticks on Dogs

If you walk your dog a lot in woods and grasslands, there is a good chance that your dog will be infected with ticks, and, likely, you have also come into contact with ticks in your dog. These parasites are not only irritating, but they can also be dangerous as they carry diseases. Learn more about ...

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The Use of Brewer's Yeast in Dogs

The Use of Brewer's Yeast in Dogs

It is not safe to use the initial form of brewer's yeast for your dogs, but the "by-products" formed during the process of brewing can help you deal with many of your dogs' problems.THE HEALING EFFECT OF BREWER'S YEASTKnowing the healing effect of brewer's yeast, the Egyptians used it for the healin...

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What Should Be Considered When Choosing Dog Food?

What Should Be Considered When Choosing Dog Food?

Are you trying to choose the right dog food for your dog? Proper nutrition is one of your dog's most basic needs and good food is one of the most important factors for your dog's healthy development. There are thousands of different dog food options on the market, so choosing the right dog food can ...

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Detect and Prevent Heatstroke in Your Dog

Detect and Prevent Heatstroke in Your Dog

Detect and Prevent Heatstroke in Your DogProtect your dog from sunstroke or heatstroke in the summer. Here we will tell you how to prevent your dog from overheating and how to act in an emergency.Symptoms and First AidIn fact, cars parked in the sun can quickly overheat and become a deadly trap for ...

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Proper Grooming of the Dog

Proper Grooming of the Dog

It is very important to brush dogs regularly. However, there are big differences in the issue of fur care. We will tell you how to best care for short-haired, long-haired, thick-haired and curly-haired dogs.FUR CARE IS IMPORTANT FOR HEALTHAnyone who doesn't own a dog or has just got a dog may think ...

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Heat Period in Female Dogs

Heat Period in Female Dogs

DURATION AND SYMPTOMS OF HEAT PERIODWhen a female dog goes into heat, it's important to know how the cycle goes and what needs to be done. There are various signs that indicate different stages of heat.WHEN DOES THE FEMALE DOG GO INTO HEAT PERIOD FOR THE FIRST TIME?Dogs grow at different rates: A sm...

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Can I Leave My Dog in the Car?

Can I Leave My Dog in the Car?

Can I Leave My Dog in the Car?In everyday life, dog owners are often faced with the question: "Can I leave my dog in the car?" It is crucial to think about this carefully, especially in the summer or on hot days. Ideally, the dog should wait for its owner in a quiet and cool environment at home. If ...

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Training Begins with Teaching Them Their Own Names

Training Begins with Teaching Them Their Own Names

Before proceeding to such commands as "sit down", "wait" or "come", it is necessary to start with teaching the puppy his name. Since we call the little pup by his name, this refers to the "come" command. This is adequate for puppies that have just started their training, but it should not continue i...

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How Often Does a Dog Need to Be Bathed?

How Often Does a Dog Need to Be Bathed?

Dogs should be bathed as less often as possible and only as often as necessary. In long-haired dogs, it may be useful to bathe them regularly to prevent matting.You will even probably give the dog sleeping in a bed inside your house a bath from time to time. In a similar manner, it is common for man...

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